Preparing applications to rezone land for subdivision and development.

Rezoning (also known as scheme amendment) and structure planning to make way for subdivision typically adds significant value to a property. However, the process can be complex and time consuming, which is why it is important to adopt the right approach from the outset.

How we help

Our specialist team streamlines the process to development by:

  • Dealing with local councils and other governing bodies
  • Conducting appropriate research to back your application
  • Preparing applications to rezone land
  • Preparing structure plans to guide subdivision and development
  • Handling environmental approvals.

Rezoning land

Land in Western Australia is generally rezoned or reserved by a local government. Sometimes, the zone does not reflect the land’s intended use, so it needs to be rezoned to facilitate development.

For example, if a property owner or developer wants to subdivide land for residential purposes on a property that is zoned ‘rural’, the property in question may need to be appropriately rezoned from ‘rural’ to ‘residential’ before development can take place.

The rezoning process can take some time. And depending on the complexity of the land in question, both planning and environmental input may be required. Our services are a cost-effective way to address both of these concerns effectively.

Structure plans

A structure plan is a guide, which indicates how a parcel of land could be subdivided and developed, and under what conditions. The plan describes how subdivision and development will be achieved, without causing environmental or planning issues.

A structure plan needs to demonstrate to local government that the development can be successfully implemented, without impacting the local community and environment.


Subdivision applications are submitted to the Western Australian Planning Commission. Once approved, a range of conditions must be complied with before land titles can be issued.

Environmental considerations

To streamline the approvals process, we ensure environmental considerations are dealt with at the same time as your rezoning, structure plan or subdivision application. Our team includes environmental scientists and specialists who understand how to handle both of these critical components.

Get started

To discuss your rezoning or development requirements, please get in touch.

We can provide more information about what to expect from the approvals process, and answer any questions you have about getting started.

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