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Our team provide expert opinion on relevant land topics of interest across Australia. These insights vary from company-specific news and approvals to broader industry updates.

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Overcoming governance challenges in renewable energy in Australia

Energy governance in Australia is currently fragmented between Federal and State government, and across quasi-commercial energy entities. This fragmentation limits the effective delivery of renewable energy networks and projects in Australia. Although the government has had a lot to say about renewable energy, action has been arguably slow. On the flipside, we’ve seen proactive behaviour […]

Solar farm development: A guide to approvals and compliance

Understanding the complexity of solar farm development requires an understanding of diverse legislative practices across Australia. Being aware of best and current practice arguably enables us to adopt the most streamlined and effective approach to assessments and approvals. The most effective approach often means adopting local adaptations, which focus on enhanced practices and benefits to […]

How communities can transform coastal risk areas in WA

Climate change and rising sea levels pose a significant threat to coastal amenities around Australia, and the world. It’s now more important than ever to engage communities and stakeholders affected by coastal hazard risks. We believe that effective engagement is key to driving collective action. But how do we make this happen? Here’s more on […]

Overcoming planning and development challenges in the WA extractive industry

Over the past 20 years, we have seen businesses in the extractive industry face more and more red tape when it comes to securing planning and environmental approvals. Operators often require numerous approvals at local, state and Commonwealth levels, and regulations and compliance requirements are becoming increasingly onerous. Principal Environmental Planner, Sharee Rasmussen, has been […]

Transforming WA regional towns is an inside job.

Working with local shires and communities in regional Western Australia is a big part of what we do. Earlier this year, The Shire of Ravensthorpe engaged us to develop a Mainstreet Improvement Strategy for the townships of Ravensthorpe and Hopetoun. The primary goal of the strategy was to encourage locals and tourists to visit the […]

SAT Ruling – What the Shalom House decision means for local planning schemes and approvals in WA

The State Administrative Tribunal (the Tribunal) handed down a decision last month, which has major implications for local planning in Western Australia. In the case of West Australian Shalom Inc. v City of Joondalup [2023] WASAT 63, (the Matter) questions were raised as to whether development approval was required under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS), […]

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