Strategic site selection ensures your application is assessed efficiently, while increasing project feasibility.

Comparing a specific site with other potential options is a key requirement of environmental and development assessments. This process involves justifying the suitability of a site as part of a selection process, which considered other alternative options.

Unfortunately, applications are often delayed or rejected because thorough site selections have not taken place. A comprehensive site evaluation ensures your application is assessed efficiently, while also making sure the site is feasible.

How we help

Land Insights delivers evidence-based site selection services, using GIS Analytics, specialised software and AI. This mapping technology enables us to provide a calibrated assessment, which demonstrates the superiority of specific sites over less suitable options.

The site information we collect results in:

  • Faster application approvals, due to compliance with EPA regulations.
  • Greater project outcomes, as sites are vetted for optimal feasibility.
  • Cost savings, as resources are not wasted designing projects for unsuitable sites.
  • Strategic decision making, based on detailed information regarding the site.

If the site options that have been provided do not result in a preferred site, we are typically able to provide an alternative site for consideration. The information we collect can also be used for designing and laying out proposals over terrain.

Head here for more information on how site selection improves project outcomes. Or get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Get started

PleaseĀ get in touch for information on our site selection services.

We have the capabilities to perform large and complex projects, and we have the equipment, knowledge and analytical skills to deliver fact-based solutions that align with your water monitoring requirements.

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