Future Busselton – Planning Scenarios for Busselton & Dunsborough


City of Busselton


Busselton, Western Australia 6280

Start date:


End date:


Type of work:

Local Government

Land Insights assisted in the preparation of the City of Busselton Local Planning Strategy (LPS). The purpose of the project was to combine the outcomes of the 5 sub-strategies prepared for the City in order to determine the future planning and growth for the City for the next 30-50 years.

Land Insights worked with the City of Busselton to investigate 4 population and development scenarios and consider the long-term implications of each.  The scenarios included Business as Usual, Constrained Growth, Focused Growth and Unfocused Growth

Comprehensive community and stakeholder consultation took place to determine the preferred scenario and to assist the City staff in selecting a preferred scenario to form the basis of the Local Planning Strategy and new Local Planning Scheme.

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