What we do
Our team is backed by 35 years of local and international experience.
Local Government Planning & Environment
Since opening our doors in 2002, we have worked with local government and other government agencies seeking specialised, evidence-based planning advice and have delivered hundreds of projects for our local government clients.

Coastal Management
Land Insights develops coastal management planning solutions for clients in local and state government. Many of the coastal management plans we have prepared cover a significant portion of the WA coastline, stretching from Esperance to Northampton, and most places in between.

Extractive Industry
Approvals, site feasibility and environmental management for the WA extractive industry.

Water Monitoring
Strategic site selection ensures your application is assessed efficiently, while increasing project feasibility.

Licensing & Compliance
Environmental licensing, environmental impact assessment and compliance for agriculture, manufacturing and other sectors.

Site selection, development (planning) approvals, constraint mapping and environmental approvals for renewables projects.

Rezoning, Structure Plans, Subdivisions
Preparing applications to rezone land for subdivision and development.

Featured Projects

Mainstreet Revitalisation Study
Ravensthorpe WA, Australia
Local Government
In 2022 The shire of Ravensthorpe engaged Land Insights to devise and execute a study to revitalise the towns of Ravensthorpe and Hopetoun located on the south coast of WA. Land Insights used a narrative design technique to engage with local people, clubs and community groups including business owners. We wanted to find out what […]

Monitoring of Quarry Sites
G3H3+R2 Chittering WA, Australia
Mapping & GIS
Land Insights has worked with Austral Bricks for several years and has captured RPA (drone) data at all clay pit quarry sites over the last few years.

Monitoring of the Gingin Coast
8 Turner St, Seabird WA 6042, Australia
Mapping & GIS
The Shire of Gingin and Department of Transport were seeking to obtain an understanding of how the coast within the Shire of Gingin changed throughout the year, especially at Lancelin, Ledge Point and Seabird.

Cottesloe Town Centre Integrated Local Area Plan
26 Napoleon St, Cottesloe WA 6011, Australia
Mapping & GIS
The Shire of Peppermint Grove and Town of Cottesloe brought together a specialist consultant team to identify opportunities for the future of the Cottesloe Town Centre.

Expansion & Redevelopment of the Masonmill Cafe
40 Masonmill Rd, Carmel WA 6076, Australia
Rezoning, Structure Plans & Subdivisions
Masonmill Café is a popular and unique tourist attraction in Kalamunda. The new owners of the site wanted to pursue its full potential and sought our assistance to obtain relevant approvals from the City of Kalamunda.

Redevelopment of the Ascot Inn
Second Floor, 1 Epsom Ave, Ascot WA 6104, Australia
Rezoning, Structure Plans & Subdivisions
The new owner of the Ascot Inn was seeking to redevelop the site as a five-star hotel, while retaining the heritage values associated with the existing buildings.

Multi-Lot Subdivision
73 Stone St, Bayswater WA 6053, Australia
Rezoning, Structure Plans & Subdivisions
Land Insights had two clients in Bayswater on adjoining properties, adjacent to the Swan River. Both clients were seeking subdivision of their properties, considering a range of significant site issues including site works/retaining, access, river reserve interface, acid sulphate soils and infrastructure servicing.

Residential & Industrial Structure Plans
8H85+H7 Katanning WA, Australia
Rezoning, Structure Plans & Subdivisions
Land Insights worked with the Shire of Katanning to prepare three Structure Plans (under one contract, concurrently).

Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment to Facilitate Urban Development
6XHX+64 Aveley WA, Australia
Rezoning, Structure Plans & Subdivisions
A long-term client of Land Insights was seeking to rezone a large parcel of land in Aveley. The land was currently zoned Rural, and to facilitate residential development it needed to be rezoned to Urban in the Metropolitan Region Scheme.

Development & Environmental Approvals for Merredin Solar Farm
F63Q+R7 Merredin WA, Australia
Land Insights was officially commissioned in late 2016 to prepare relevant documentation and obtain approvals for the development of a 100MW solar farm on behalf of Stellata Energy.

Environmental Management Plan for Outdoor Rotational Piggery
7W8M+6C Narrikup WA, Australia
Licensing & Compliance
CM Farms operate an extensive outdoor free-range piggery. The site required an Environmental Management Plan and operational plan to guide piggery rotation timeframes.

Quarry Compliance Database
Licensing & Compliance
Midland Brick/Brikmakers operate numerous clay extraction pits in Western Australia. The pits often have multiple approvals – including Planning (Development), Extractive Industry Licence and Clearing Permit.

Environmental License Renewals & Compliance Reporting for Piggery
GR4Q+C3 Nambeelup WA, Australia
Licensing & Compliance
CM Farms operate a piggery in Nambeelup that is subject to a licence from the DWER. Land Insights has been assisting with the site since 2017.

Groundwater Monitoring for Piggery
95 Telephone Rd, Neergabby WA 6503, Australia
Water Monitoring
CM Farms has a licence issued by the DWER for piggery operations. A condition on the licence requires sampling of a series of groundwater bores to be undertaken.

Water Monitoring - Aveley Urban Expansion Area
6XHX+64 Aveley WA, Australia
Water Monitoring
Land Insights undertook 2 years of groundwater monitoring to assist in the preparation of a District Water Management Strategy and Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment proposing the urbanisation of rural land.

Water Monitoring - Environmental Management Plan
62RR+V2 Upper Swan WA, Australia
Water Monitoring
Austral Bricks has a requirement to undertake water monitoring across sites near the Ellenbrook Nature Reserve.

Shire of Denmark Coastal Hazard Risk Management & Adaptation Plan
X8CJ+77 Ocean Beach WA, Australia
Coastal Management Planning
The Shire of Denmark were experiencing significant erosion at Ocean Beach and Peaceful Bay and sought to prepare a Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan to identify coastal risks and guide decision making in the near and long-term.

Shire of Esperance Coastal Management Plan
2 Jetty Rd, Chadwick WA 6450, Australia
Coastal Management Planning
The Shire of Esperance commissioned Land Insights to prepare a new Coastal Management Plan for the Shire-managed coastline, stretching from Munglinup Beach to Israelite Bay.

Gascoyne Local Government Coastal Planning Study
149 Knight Terrace, Denham WA 6537, Australia
Coastal Management Planning
Land Insights and Seashore Engineering were commissioned by the Department of Planning to undertake the Mid-West and Gascoyne Coastal Planning Studies in 2013.

Shire of Northampton Coastal Management Strategy
35 Port St, Gregory WA 6535, Australia
Coastal Management Planning
Land Insights and Seashore Engineering were commissioned by the Shire of Northampton to prepare a Coastal Management Strategy for the Shire’s coast.

Shire of Irwin Coastal Management Plan
PWVC+PC Dongara WA, Australia
Coastal Management Planning
Our planning and environmental specialists were commissioned to review and update the Shire of Irwin’s previous Coastal Management Strategy, which was completed in 2000.

Babbage & Whitlock Islands Structure Plan
4J9Q+5J Babbage Island WA, Australia
Local Government
In 2013, land Insights was commissioned by the Shire of Carnarvon to prepare a Structure Plan for Babbage and Whitlock Islands to guide planning and development over a 15-year period.

Land Rationalisation Strategy
49 State Route 60, Jurien Bay WA 6516, Australia
Local Government
The Shire of Dandaragan has 157 separate landholdings, comprising 27 freehold lots and 130 reserves.

Future Busselton - Planning Scenarios for Busselton & Dunsborough
Esplanade Hotel, 30-38 Marine Terrace, Busselton WA 6280, Australia
Local Government
Land Insights assisted in the preparation of the City of Busselton Local Planning Strategy (LPS).

Shire of Ravensthorpe Local Planning Strategy
68 Morgans St, Ravensthorpe WA 6346, Australia
Local Government
In October 2007 Land Insights was appointed by the Shire of Ravensthorpe to undertake a detailed review of their existing Local Planning Strategy.

Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale Rural Land Strategy
38 Paterson St, Mundijong WA 6123, Australia
Local Government
In early 2011 Land Insights commenced the review of the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale’s original Rural Land Strategy, which was significantly out of date and not reflective of current values.

Austral Bricks Coolup Clay Quarry
6R9J+RG West Coolup WA, Australia
Extractive Industry
Austral Bricks had a medium sized quarry in Coolup, providing an unusual clay that was required in the manufacture of certain brick products.

Midland Brick Muchea Clay Quarry
C289+HX Muchea WA, Australia
Extractive Industry
Midland Brick operates several quarries in Muchea. The largest Muchea quarry had been in use for some years and had been partly rehabilitated.

Midland Brick Upper Swan (Hallatts) Clay Quarry
62FJ+F9 Upper Swan WA, Australia
Extractive Industry
Midland Brick owns and operates a significant quarry in Upper Swan, adjacent to the Swan River. The site is a significant clay resource used by Midland Brick for the manufacture of bricks at their Midland Factory.

Austral Bricks Morangup Clay Quarry
98XG+P7 Morangup WA, Australia
Extractive Industry
Austral Bricks was seeking land use (planning) and environmental approvals for the development of a significant quarry, used to provide a specific style of clay for brick-making.